1800 Series Transducers & Transmitters for Hydrostatic Liquid Measurement
The PDCR 1800 transducer (mV output) and PTX 1800 transmitter (4-20 mA output) are the latest generation of fully submersible high performance sensors for measurement of hydrostatic liquid levels.The combination of a high technology sensor, together with advanced signal conditioning and packaging techniques, provides an ideal longterm solution for reliable, accurate and economical level measurements.
- Potable Water: From ground water borehole to surface water level measurements in rivers, canals and reservoirs.
- Waste Water and Remediation: Monitoring of secondary and out flow sewage levels and contaminated ground water levels in land fill sites.
- Tank Level: From land based liquid storage vessels to on-board ship ballast tank monitoring.
- Sea Water: Marine environmental applications, including tide gauging, coastal flood protection and wave profiling, amongst others.
Features and Benefits
- Ranges from 0.75 mH20 to 600 mH20
- Accuracy to ±0.06%
- Fully welded 17.5 mm titanium construction
- Integral lightning surge arrestor option
- Polyurethane and hydrocarbon resistant cables
- Full range of installation accessories